News from HENKEL + ROTH

News Leitungswchsel 2024 Klein

Management succession

HENKEL + ROTH has been building innovative special machines and systems for assembly automation for almost 35 years and is known to you as a reliable partner. Matthias Roth hands over the operational business to younger hands. The new managing directors are Ralf Waldmann in the technical area and Christian Loos in the commercial area.

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Planting new trees with the company bike

Since May 2023, HENKEL + ROTH employees have been able to lease a company bike and do something good for their physical and mental fitness. In addition to photovoltaics and heat pumps, this is another component of the company's activities to respond to current issues of CO2 neutrality. In addition, 504 trees have already been planted as part of a reforestation project run by leasing partner FairVenture.

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We develop customer-specific automation solutions with the aim of making production more efficient and reducing costs in the long term.

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