Our job offers

Apply now for a job at HENKEL + ROTH

With over 30 years of experience in the development and manufacture of state-of-the-art automation solutions and more than 50 employees, HENKEL + ROTH stands for innovation, customer orientation and employee development. As a modern, dynamic company in the special machine construction and robotics sector, we are always on the lookout for people who share our passion for new technologies in the fields of automation, assembly, handling and transfer technology.

If you enjoy working in a team and are interested in solving challenging tasks, we offer you a modern and employee-friendly working environment in which value is placed on personal preferences and the targeted promotion of your skills and professional success.

Solve challenging tasks with us that require your commitment, creativity and inventiveness.

Discover what makes HENKEL + ROTH special - our new video is here!

We look forward to hearing from you by e-mail or telephone.

I Buchmann

contact human ressources

We offer our employees these benefits:


Company pension plan

Company pension plan

In addition to statutory pension insurance, it is becoming increasingly important to have your own additional pension provision. We offer our employees direct company insurance and pay part of the contribution.


Subsidy for kindergarten fees

Subsidy for kindergarten fees

We support the care of our employees' children in kindergarten with a subsidy during the paid period.


Subsidy for bicycle leasing

Subsidy for bicycle leasing

As part of our company health management program, we offer our employees bicycle leasing. We pay a subsidy towards the leasing rate for 1 bicycle.


Sponsorship of children

Sponsorship of children

Each of our employees worldwide has a sponsored child at GLOBAL CARE, for whom we finance food, clothing and schooling. This sets an example for a life in dignity and with prospects.


Non-cash benefit card

Non-cash benefit card

Our employees can receive a non-cash benefit card as a reward for special achievements.


work shorter hours with above-average performance

work shorter hours with above-average performance

We reward above-average performance with an hourly credit. The employee can choose between payment and time off.


Project bonus for above-average performance

Project bonus for above-average performance

Above-average performance in the development areas is rewarded with a project bonus.


Employees recruit employees bonus

Employees recruit employees bonus

An employee-recruit-employee bonus is awarded when employees from the private sphere inspire someone for our company and we thus gain new employees.


Flowers and bonuses on personal and official occasions

Flowers and bonuses on personal and official occasions

A bouquet of flowers for a birthday. We are also happy to welcome new employees and celebrate weddings. Long-term employment is no longer a matter of course. We welcome colleagues who work on projects with us over the long term.


free work clothing

free work clothing

Not only do we provide work shoes free of charge, but also the complete work clothing in red/black. We also offer free cleaning of work clothing.


Waiting days in the case of illness

Waiting days in the case of illness

If you're not feeling well and are better off at home, there are waiting days. In a waiting room, you get infected even more.


Modern digital working environment

Modern digital working environment

Modern PCs on height-adjustable desks are standard in our office; paper is only used where necessary.


Free hot and cold drinks

Free hot and cold drinks

An extensive range of free coffee and cold drinks is available for employees.


Fruit basket in winter

Fruit basket in winter

It is important to do something for your health. In the winter months, you can reach into the fruit bowl.


Company events and functions

Company events and functions

There is a Christmas party every year, but there is always something else to celebrate. There are always opportunities for a motorcycle tour or an evening of bowling.

Jobs Industriemechaniker

Ausbildung Industriemechaniker m/w/d

Industriemechaniker/innen fertigen kleine Bauteile aus Metall oder Kunststoff und bauen diese zu Baugruppen zusammen und montieren daraus wiederum komplette Maschinen oder ganze Fertigungsanlagen. Gearbeitet wird nach Zeichnungen aus unserem Bereich Konstruktion. Die Maschinen und Anlagen werden anschließend in Betrieb genommen. Die Wartung und Reparatur der Anlagen und technischen Systemen beim Kunden gehört ebenfalls zu den Aufgaben.

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Jobs Arbeitsvorbereitung

Theses and internships for students

Show what you're made of during your studies! We constantly offer Bachelor's and Master's theses as well as internships for students with a focus on mechanical engineering.

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