Customized special machines for the highest demands

You have a problem. We have the solution.

Rationalize, automate, assemble:

Tell us your production goal. We will suggest solution concepts and show you alternatives.

Project planning, design, installation:

From planning to commissioning, your special machine is created in-house. You have one contact person for all services! This saves time, nerves and costs.

Cooperate, coordinate, concretize:

Partnership-based cooperation, good service and a trusting exchange of information are a matter of course for us. Our project teams are made up of highly motivated and creative development engineers and material flow experts with experience from numerous projects.

And if things get exceptionally tricky, we have access to extensive research and development capacities thanks to our close contact with Ilmenau University of Technology.

HENKEL + ROTH: Your goals are our benchmark.

Sondermaschinenbau Quadrat

Virtual project

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Automation at the highest level

Let our reference projects convince you

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